04 January 2013


these are pictures from 2012 and on.

i found those two in a box of pictures. serious throwbacks.

my wee christmas tree for my wee apartment.

patiently waiting.

i liked this new luna bar, but felt it needed some chocolate. but then again, i think everything needs chocolate.

morning naps with the princess.

hotel breakfast at it's finest. for the record i did not eat those muffins. ONE had 210 calories.
if you look closely, she is snuggling a water bottle.

got my compression shorts from aspaeris and knew that i had to put those baby shorts on. they weren't so bad or as revolting as i thought they would be. my face disagrees. i have no words for the claw hand.

snow. snow. snow. it won't be long before we're there with SNOW...christmas/day after snow in the m-town.

christmas trees are meant to have tinsel. and as much as possible. that's my humble opinion and i judge you if you don't like tinsel. (one side of the tree didn't look so hot because my brother is apparently incapable of putting tinsel on)

the christmas babies. old man, evie, and belle.

i made risotto. side note: i made that when i got home and had it for two days straight. and no i didn't make quite that portion of it, and yes i did add feta, and no again i didn't eat cheese and crackers with it.

fine, fine, i ate cheese and crackers with it.

went out shooting things. at the range. indoors. i am civilized. somedays...

i love these things. if they were 50 cents cheaper i would really love them. and if they actually felt like dessert i would be in love with them...too far? i thought so.

new calendar! makes me so happy. however, i was saddened when i realized it didn't start the week on sundays. who does that? i mean really, what is this some sort of backwards land of calendar mayhem?

hands down best cheese.

kisses. she was really into it, and it got weird.

and then she was done being nice to me. that's what i like to call her dinosaur stare. that's what i like to call my amazing face. and no my hands are not the size of a lumberjacks. okay, just a little bit.

*side note: if i make posts like this i upload all the pictures first and then make captions. or no captions. it depends on the day or if i know how to work technology. today is a bit of both in technology land. 

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